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Edytowany przez użytkownika mitten: 5/26/2022 7:17:10 PM

LGBTQIA+ friendly clan looking for all levels of guardians to join us!

Howdy! I’m recruiting for our clan Universal Pogchamps. We’re a bunch of both new and veteran destiny players! We pride ourselves in our sociability and friendly attitudes even in endgame gameplay! We’re looking for new like mannered people to tag along and have fun with us! We’re fully willing to teach new players and foster an active environment for all members! What we offer: - Weekly Raids and teaching runs/sherpas if needed - Grandmasters and Nightfall runs - Dungeon Diving - Occasional Crucible/Iron Banner - Occasional Gambit - We also sometimes hold Clan PVP events for fun! Clan Requirements: - At the very least be 17+ - Have some proficiency in english - Be accepting and respectful of ANY/ALL LGBTQIA+ identifying individuals - Please no politics, sometimes people just wish to game and have fun! - Be respectful and have a friendly attitude - Be active and have fun! (Discord will be provided once you join the clan)

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