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Edytowany przez użytkownika Dawnables: 6/1/2022 11:04:08 AM

HUGE fps drop. Game seems to not be using gpu at all? (SOLVED)

Came back to play since new season dropped. Usually get around 90+ fps Reinstalled the game, opened it.. everything is fine until after the Press Enter prompt on the title screen. Game goes from smooth animations to 6 fps instantly. Thought maybe it wasnt using the correct GPU. Made sure to check that it was using my nvidia gpu. Everything says it was, but it was not getting any performance at all. Decided to see what would happen if i tried making the game run on integrated gpu instead. No change, still 6 fps. Why is the game refusing to actually run with my nvidia gpu and lying that it is? All my other games work fine, tried verifying and all that. no change. I feel like it's not even using my integrated either since i think even that would get more than 6 fps. What did they do? Edit: Added Video UPDATE (SOLVED!!): After trying everything, I did the last thing that I thought might help. I downgraded back to w10 from w11, and now the game works perfectly! I'm not sure if there was a problem with my windows install, or if it was w11 itself causing issues, but this is what worked for me. Such a weird issue though ^^

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  • This is still an issue after the small update and reset on May 31. Still getting only 7 fps, even on character select screen, and the game using no resources at all. I've linked a video to show my issue. It's not frame drops, it's not getting frames at all in the first place.

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