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Edytowany przez użytkownika chaos0720: 6/6/2022 11:24:11 PM

[PS4/5] [EST based] Social Endgame Clan Seeking Helpful and Active Members

[b]WE DO NOT HAVE UNREALISTIC ACTIVITY EXPECTATIONS, BUT WE'RE NOT A "CASUAL" CLAN[/b] [b]IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A HARDCORE SWEAT CLAN, WE'RE NOT IT [/b] We're a community. We welcome everyone and I will never turn someone away until or unless they give me a reason to do so. Some people try to come in acting like they own the place or like they're going to change everything, and it's not going to happen. If you are that headstrong, you may be better off trying to start your own clan. I highly encourage it, because then you can surround yourself with the type of people that YOU want to be around. Our membership numbers typically hover between 30 and 40, because there are a lot of people that will join and disappear after the first week. Or they don't socialize with the clan. Our goal is to have a community where the people are going to be around. We want this to be like your second family. -------------------------------------------------------------- We are a friendly and helpful community. We have formed close bonds and invite and encourage anyone looking for that type of clan to try us out. We do not exclude people, so you won't feel like an outsider just because you're new. I am not looking for people that are going to be playing solo all the time. We do not care about your skill level. New guardian? No worries. We'll help you out. Vet guardian? That's fine, but your stats aren't going to matter when it comes to membership. You are all equal here. [b]BE ACTIVE BETWEEN 5PM AND 12AM EST[/b] This is when our clan is mostly active, and nearly all of our scheduled events are between these times. [spoiler]We had a common issue of people joining and being on throughout the day and barely on in the evening. I specifically recruit for this time to make sure that we have an active roster full of people wanting help. Being available and playing together throughout day is obviously no problem, it's just that I need to make sure I'm bringing in people that are going to be active at the same time as everyone else.[/spoiler] [b]BE SOCIAL[/b] - [u]Discord is mandatory.[/u] [spoiler]When you join, there will be a few things you need to do before you can get full access to the server. It's a very simple and easy new member orientation. It shouldn't take more than 5 to 10 minutes and if you need help, I'm just a message away. A common issue we had this season was that people were not taking the importance and emphasis I put on socializing seriously. THIS IS NOT A CLAN THAT IS JUST "LET'S GET DESTINY STUFF DONE". This is a COMMUNITY. If you want to stay in the clan, you will need to socialize. We're very friendly. You don't need to be shy.[/spoiler] [b]BE HELPFUL[/b] [spoiler]If you're the type of player that plays solo and is only concerned with their self, we aren't going to be a good fit for you. We want people that are going to offer help almost as much as they ask for it.[/spoiler] [b]WE TEACH RAIDS[/b] [spoiler]While peoples' schedules don't always line up, once we have enough people, we will be consistently raiding. We don't care how skilled you are. Our training raids are for anyone that wants to join and/or learn.[/spoiler] --------------------------------- We have a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for toxic behavior. We welcome all Guardians--from New Light to D1 Vets. We want people that are willing to help and teach any aspect of the game. We do teach raids, so for those who have never gotten to raid before are encouraged to join. You will be required to have a mic. [spoiler]It's understandable if you have days where you don't feel being on mic. We all have those days, but you need to have a mic and you do have to use it occasionally.[/spoiler] I may not be everyone's cup of tea, and I'm perfectly fine with that. I encourage everyone to seek a place that fits them. There's no need to get upset if we aren't the right home for you. The people that know me and the people that have been with this clan for any significant time knows that they way it's set up works. --------------------------------- [b]CONTACT INFO[/b] PSN: chaos0720 Discord ID: chaos0720#0720 Discord Server: Clan Request: --------------------------------- If you made it this far, whether you decide to join or not, thank you for taking the time to read my post.

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