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Edytowany przez użytkownika Riunn: 6/19/2022 6:32:55 AM

Enemies regenerating health after being shot with Forerunner

I've seen a couple of posts on Reddit about this, but I couldn't find any on the forums here or in the Known Issues, so I'm posting this here hoping someone will see it. When you shoot an enemy with Forerunner, then change targets, the initial enemy will regenerate a decent portion of its health. In Duality specifically, if you're shooting a Bellkeeper and you have to turn around to shoot at something else, instead of 3 crits it takes 5 to kill. I've noticed this glitch in other places too, but the clip I've linked is in Duality. Also, this isn't an issue with lag on my side, Forerunner is the only gun I've had this happen with. I do remember a similar glitch happening a lot with Sleeper Simulant back in the Leviathan days, where you'd shoot a bather with it and half of it's health would rubber band back immediately. Edit: I'm paying more attention to it while I play now, enemy health also tends to rubber band when you just stop shooting for a bit, so it happens a lot while reloading.

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  • Can confirm this glitch is still going strong. Trying to kill barrier enemies with the forerunner results in them regenerating essentially all of their hp even after breaking the shield in one-two shots. This is extremely frustrating when fighting anything that is not a regular, red health bar enemy. Reloading seems to expedite the process and make them immediately heal 2/3 of the taken damage. If this wasn't broken it would probably be my favorite gun. In its current state, this is a very disappointing exotic reward for spending even more money on the 30th edition bundle.

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  • Running into the exact same issue. No signs of lag/poor connection. The game just doesn't seem to like how fast Forerunner shreds the bellkeepers.

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