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Destiny 2

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Edytowany przez użytkownika CruxOfTheArcana: 6/26/2022 7:57:46 PM

BLUF: We have "Finishers" but they aren't used much in abilities for Subclass tie-ins

This is something that I've had my eyes on for a while. Technically, a "Finisher" is an ability; one that has definitely been taken for granted, at that. What I want to point out is that while we have finishers, we don't have many things that tie into it naturally. We have a couple of exotics, yes. We have maybe a few mods, yes. Sometimes we even get another mod or two from the seasonal artifact. But besides that, there isn't much real incentive to use finishers. Especially since it can be dangerous to do so; being out in the open, surrounded by combatants, who can sometimes hit back as you finish them. It wasn't until recently (mid-last season) that I saw an ACTUAL ability that used a "Finisher" as a tie-in, a void fragment called "Echo of Obscurity" that makes you invisible after finishing a target. My question is, why don't we have more things, more abilities that tie into finishers? There's quite a lot that you could do with something as unused as this. You could use it to accentuate certain builds or even to eliminate the problems that come with using finishers. Especially for something like Solar 3.0, which is good, but not great (and has come off as somewhat underwhelming to many). Imagine this; "Solar Fragments" - Finishers grant Cure for you and nearby allies. Finishing Scorched targets also causes delayed Ignitions. (or alternatively) While Radiant is active, finishers instead cause delayed Ignitions. (-10res) "Void Fragments" - Finishing Void debuffed targets grants an Overshield. "Stasis Fragments" - Finishing Stasis Debuffed targets creates (2 or 3) Stasis shards. (+10res +10 dis) These were most of what I could think of on the spot, but you should get my point by now. I can't say much for arc 3.0 since it hasn't even come out yet, but I'm hopeful for arc since is seems they would have much more to work with in terms of tie-ins. So, hope all goes well. [reedited since my point didn't come across]

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