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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Talia Sendua: 6/26/2022 3:31:32 PM

Please give more rewards from Trials of Osiris post matches OR grant a trials engram on every sub-rank!

Losing 4-6 matches in a row and getting [b]nothing[/b] from the matches and also no trials engrams from sub-rankups feels completely [b]-blam!-![/b] There are reasons why Trials has again so low player count, even with Flawless Pool active. [b]People feel not enough compensated for the anger and frustration they have to ship through in this Mare Toxicum![/b] People wouldn't complain and yell and get angry at the game, if they would feel rewarded in a meaningful, fair amount for their time spent. Wasting 2h and gaining nothing is not a good experience for the average player! Either start dropping loot post-match in general or give us more engrams! At the moment it is [b]more fun and more rewarding[/b] to play 3 Raids a Day over the course of 6-8h than playing 2h of Trials of Osiris, even as an average PvP player!

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