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Edytowany przez użytkownika Jeebus McSquibus: 9/9/2022 4:06:03 AM

Missing shaders from year one

Hey all, So, I've been playing destiny 2 since it's release and I've had this issue with a faction shader not registering on my account ever since they made them non-consumables and removed factions. I honestly didn't do anything because I thought it was a lost cause but I was wondering how I'd go about asking Bungie if they can fix the issue. So, the way the game did it was if you had the shader in your inventory it said good you now have it forever, and if you dismantled any item WITH that shader on you obtained the shader. Well I didn't have any of the shader in my inventory before they removed the factions so I couldn't buy any more; however, I have a full set of gear that has the shader on it but when I dismantled a piece it just gave me glimmer. No shader. It's my favorite shader in the game and I'm super bummed that it won't let me have it so I've been saving the gear with the shader in my vault for 6 years. For clarification it is the "New Monarchy Diamonds" shader. Any help would be appreciated.

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