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Destiny 2

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Edytowany przez użytkownika PsYcHoxxSoCiAl: 9/10/2022 6:56:34 PM

My 3 cents on the Div nerf war between the 1% and 99%

1% “nerf div because it makes endgame content too easy and it’s a must have for Day 1 contest modes” 99% “don’t nerf div. It doesn’t hurt anyone. Just don’t use it” 1%” why should I handicap myself. I want it nerfed so the handicap is forced on me” 99% “ You make no sense. Just don’t use it” My advice would be not to Nerf Div. If the 1% don’t like it being used for mainly day 1 raids/contest modes. Then bungie should just disable it for that 24hr Day 1/contest mode. Win Win for both sides. No nerf that would anger the 99% and No usage in Day 1/contest modes for the 1%

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