People will not play control often if they are forced to play BOTH against equal opponents AND on maps they are bad at or absolutely dislike.
We need map voting to ease that frustration-factor. Others (for example) love Wormhaven, I absolutely hate the map. And I can't leave the match because I get penalties otherwise. So I am forced to play on a map I hate against opponents of equal level that very likely love to play on that map and therefore play better than me due to their mindset and experience.
Now imagine the situation for a New Light player. Sometimes they will play on maps they are comfortable with and sometimes they will play on maps they never set foot on due to the RNG nature of the map selector. That means, instead of being able to vote directly for the maps they like or never played on, they have to rely on RNG luck to gain new experience or improve already existing experience. And that takes longer than it should if the player has no control over... well control itself.
Edit: Also, add a "randomize button" if the maps in the available pool (I assume its 3 like in Halo games) is not liked by any player in the lobby.
Besides those player experience reasons, having no map voting these days is kind of a certificate of inadequacy.
The problem with map voting is that you will be forced to only play a small selection of maps ALL the time because people will vote for the same maps every single time and that's how people get bored and stop playing PvP in other games. It's exactly what killed PvP in other games because people got tired of playing the same 3 maps over and over and never having enough variety. You want to completely kill PvP by decreasing the number of players dramatically because they're all bored and in turn, create even worse connection issues? Implement map voting. This is literally the worst idea you can have for PvP and it's just silly to think anything different.
Honestly if bungie wont fix this dog water meta that is long range weapons with a fat side of team shooting small maps is the only solution i see to it
As much as I agree that this game could use map voting, it won't make SBMM any more playable.
Bungie should let the community vote on how maps are weighted in the different playlists
Really? How about a return of some of the larger maps on the moon or other locations? I miss the ones with sparrows and tanks.
Not being able to vote on maps helps sbmm sbmm. There's probably not enough maps for map voting to do anything but make sbmm worse.
Why is playing equal skilled opponents frustrating?
Map voting wouldn't make the SBMM matches less laggy. Nor would it make them less meta slave driven and less of a tournament sweat fiesta. So who cares which of the 8 year old maps you play if the entire games pvp is trash with the ability spam sandbox combined with tournament like matches in the ONLY casual frickin playlist that was left in this abandoned pvp portion of a CASUAL pve looter shooter.
Map voting won’t help lmao. Just get rid of sbmm completely and disregard Timmy’s and jimmys
Sbmm needs to be removed. It has killed every game mode it’s touched and now it’s killing control.
Edytowany przez użytkownika hate n payne: 10/8/2022 6:15:57 PMBungie needs to revamp PVP overall. They need to identify which maps and modes perform better with the terms of “casual” and “competitive”. Too many modes as playlists versus playlists that help separate the playerbase based off how they play.
What does being new light have to do with map voting? A new light wouldn't have a preference, every map is a slaughter house.
I do wonder how many people will leave matchmaking before the match launches but after map voting has taken place when their map hasn’t chosen and one they hate has. I mean at that point the match hasn’t started so you’re not quitting a match in progress so the penalties would be in effect yet or Bungie would have to rewrite the whole algorithm for quitting penalties. There are definitely maps for certain modes I’d be all “nope” and just leave as I saw the voting go towards them and skip before the match starts so it could backfill in queue. I’d rather be able to just have the option to weight the maps to our liking. Have all maps as an option but dial down the weighting on like 5 or our choice to reduce the chances of getting them and having any map you just played on automatically removed from rotation for like 5 games before it’s weighing comes back in. Course, that’s probably a lot harder to code in.
This is the dummest statement but does an amazing job of proving why bungie will never please the player base and why the community will cry no matter what changes bungie makes. Map voting allows people to indicate what map they want but the reason a vote needs to take place is because different people prefer different maps. Given this just under half the lobby will still be playing on a map they don’t want to even if given a chance to vote. Just like match making which connection based is preferred by those who actually play pvp due to the matches having enough stability to be enjoyable. However low skill players love sbmm because they get to tell themselves they aren’t total trash after playing in lobbies with other people who can barely hold a controller. The point I’m trying to illustrate is voting won’t make the experience better for everyone when preference exists. Your entire point you are attempting to stand on is predicated on the whole community being upset about sbmm when players do exists who like it regardless of how pathetic their reasoning.
I don't see why this can't be a thing. I've wanted map voting forever. Especially finding out we have like 20 some PvP maps (used to be 32 I think? Before sunsetting some good maps) I don't see why not. I only play on what feels like a 5 map randomization, getting the same map sometimes 3 games in a row. If we have over 20 accessible maps, only using a few, it is almost a complete waste of programming. At least map voting will give us more broad usage of all the available maps, even though it does suck in some lobbies because people will choose the same over and over, but to avoid getting sucked into matches in progress (and so we don't keep getting pulled back into the same lobby) maybe they could also put heavy focus on only bringing people to lobbies that haven't started, or have only started 30 seconds ago or less. Can't do it all the time, but we should be able to find enough people most of the time. That does run the risk of extra time waiting, because maybe there aren't enough people, but I'd like to try at least. It would also be nice for matchmaking to heavily favor same continent, so maybe lag can be avoided more often.