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10/19/2022 4:19:05 AM

[US][PS4/5][PC] PSA for all night time gamers! The Ascended Knights needs recruits for the Great War!

Those day people got it so easy, running around while the sun is shining. Hardly ever anything going bump in the day! You weren't forced into this though, you picked it because you like the quiet. Something about being out wandering around in the dark, it just... speaks to you! The Travelers light is just too bright sometimes... That's where we come in Guardian! This clan is made with the premise of night time players (8p-4a) being able to join up and wander about with other Guardians into the woods and check what made noise behind that tree. This is a PvE clan that is looking to do all means of PvE including raids. Let's band together and take back the night from all those nasty buggers, eh? **Requirements** 1) Let's chill and kill some aliens 2) See rule #1 3) Be patient with your clanmates 4) Be of a sociable personality 5) Discord once we hit 25 members If this sounds like the place for you click the link below and apply todaaaaaaay!!!

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