What is the problem? Firing Telesto. It charges correctly and even unleashes the correct amount of bolts HOWEVER they are shot out at an extremely slow speed, they slowly get a bit faster but not much and with an upward arcing trajectory. In crucible this renders Telesto 100% useless (I mean who cares but worth mentioning) and in PVE it's only real use is to get up close and personal with a boss or cluster of adds OR to set a trap but realistically this is not the idea Telesto bungie had in mind. I did try changing weapon ornaments to see if that effected Telesto at all but it did not
How do you get the emblem
Bungie did it on purpose possibly for shits and giggles. Anyone else get a message like we do at the beginning of every week but after an activity that depicted a city drone with text like this? TELESTO TELESTO TELESTO TELESTO TELESTO TELESTO TELESTO TELESTO TELESTO TELESTO TELESTO TELESTO TELESTO TELESTO TELESTO TELESTO TELESTO TELESTO TELESTO TELESTO TELESTO TELESTO TELESTO TELESTO
I'ma start a cult so join if you want but HAIL TELESTO!
Hold square
Telesto ain't a weapon Telesto is a lifestyle...
Just give it a good old slap, should do the trick. That fixed my telesto.
If you had to pick one gun that defined D1, it would be Ghorn… and in D2, we got telesto. To answer your question in the title, this would be #43 if it is indeed a bug.
It's part of the end-of-season community event. You can hold reload to change it back to normal function at any time.
At this point I’m wondering why Bungie hasn’t just sunset telesto like they did pocket infinity in d1 at this point I’m beginning to believe Telesto has hijacked 3/4 of the games code and bungies just afraid to touch it.
Edytowany przez użytkownika GANDALF: 11/9/2022 2:31:36 PMThe “bug” is not a bug. It’s intentional. It sparks and smokes and now has a unique animation to “fix” Telesto and it will fire normally. A lot of people think it might have something to do with a public event or secret Telesto mission because the bolts look like some constellations if you shoot it at a ceiling. Again, Telesto being “broken” is [b][u]intentional[/u][/b].
Bungie intentionally broke Telesto for a community event at a point where the player population is at a low point. I'm sure this'll go over well.
It’s on purpose
Telesto has gained sentience. We are all doomed.
Use your alternate reload action to fix it
This post isn't aging well
This guy has been counting. https://youtu.be/9fr_FJPzAvE
https://youtu.be/Nt7GsJlr6JE https://youtu.be/y2o9ZpA_VlQ
It must be sick this time.
I am, for once, speechless
Hold reload, it fixes the new mechanic that they snuck in If you pay attention to the weapon is now sparks
It's foonny
This post boggles my mind. It's faster to Google this (hard quotes here) "Problem" and find out what's known so far than to write a seemingly serious rage post about it. 😒🙄
I can guarantee you, Bungie did it on purpose. They're really proud that they made a gun that breaks something in the game frequently. I mean, they never did this with Pocket Infinity back in D1.