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12/8/2022 2:46:47 PM

Rose acquisition

I completed the placement on my hunter. No rose. I immediately jump on google, type in bungie help, and look at the twitter feed to see that it’s bugged. No biggie, it was patched a while later saying you just have to log out and log back in. I do just that and BOOM! Rose. Dope. Now, I hop on my titan, pick up the quest, get the 500 rank points, win my placement series (Yay!) and head back to talk to Shaxx. Quest complete, turned in, no more emblem over Shaxx’ ahead. Problem, though…no rose. I recall the issue from earlier, log out, log back in. Back on my titan aaaannndd…no rose. What am I missing? Isn’t it three a week, one per character? I did everything the quest told me to. Or does it drop randomly [i]after[/i] I complete the placement? I’m so confused and I just want a better roll than rapid hit/vorpal. You’re crazy to think I’d face down a super in Destiny 2 with a kinetic weapon.

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  • Turns out we were only supposed to get one this first week and that the quest dropping was unintentional (per Bungie Help Twitter). Not my problem, Bungie. I ran the quest, whether you had meant to give it to me or not. I want my gd Rose. I suffered through a lot of matches to get another drop, and to find out it was unintentional for me to get the quest pisses me off.

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