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Destiny 2

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1/25/2023 3:30:41 PM

New Engine. It's Time.

Firstly, thank you to the Bungie devs for listening to the community and making some excellent changes and for scrambling to fix all the current and previous bugs. I see you and appreciate you. What I want to ask is, how difficult would it be for Bungie to migrate our data to a new, top of the line engine? Tiger has been incredible, but goven all bugs and even the sheer fact we needed sunsetting ahows that it's time to retire the engine and focus on the infrastructure. Get your Infra teams some help, and you'll see this game flourish with all the new possibilities. Can't help but wonder with the massive amount of money Sony gave them, that data migration couldn't be too impossible. I just want some of the old story content back in a relevant way and not have to earn everything back again with a Destiny 3 release. Destiny itself is now far more into the MMO side of the pool than ever before, so why not invest in an engine and foundation that will support that growth?

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  • Please tell me which steamer had mentioned the need for a new engine. It can't be coincidence you all think the game needs a new engine on the same day as each other. Also, please educate me, what exactly is the engine? How does it work? How will "upgrading"it help the game? I'm very keen to learn from you.

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    5 Odpowiedzi
    • Edytowany przez użytkownika CSP-163: 1/28/2023 1:39:57 AM
      No changing a game engine is WAY more complicated and WAY more problematic than changing a car of robot toy engine you are asking to recreate the entire destiny existence all that coding gone all those creations gone accounts gone switching a new engine will not make the game be down for a few days it will be down for 5 years I’m not joking and then bungie will have more problems than they have with engine But a new engine for d3 is fine

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      • Don’t think it can be done… (game code etc) but a d3 for new gen consoles would be great!

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      • The time for a new engine was 3 years into D2 when D3 should have dropped. But...Bungo, well they are Bungo...a greedy and lazy entity. So they doubled down on D2, with its cartoon look, underwhelming feel, reskins, reissues, removals of content, reselling of content, and so on. Budget underwhelming nasty greedy insidious entity. Or to look at it the other way. A new engine would be far too much effort, time, and likely skill, for a budget tier dress sim maker.

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      • [quote]Firstly, thank you to the Bungie devs for listening to the community and making some excellent changes and for scrambling to fix all the current and previous bugs. I see you and appreciate you. What I want to ask is, how difficult would it be for Bungie to migrate our data to a new, top of the line engine? Tiger has been incredible, but goven all bugs and even the sheer fact we needed sunsetting ahows that it's time to retire the engine and focus on the infrastructure. Get your Infra teams some help, and you'll see this game flourish with all the new possibilities. Can't help but wonder with the massive amount of money Sony gave them, that data migration couldn't be too impossible. I just want some of the old story content back in a relevant way and not have to earn everything back again with a Destiny 3 release. Destiny itself is now far more into the MMO side of the pool than ever before, so why not invest in an engine and foundation that will support that growth?[/quote] The fact that the game is being run on a heavily modified Blam! Engine, called the Tiger Engine is both sad, and hilarious. Keep in mind the Blam Engine was made in 1997. Being a very early 2000s kid, that engine is older than me. Not by much, but still. In 2008, they started to feel that the Blam engine was restrictive and so they (Bungle) started to heavily modify it into the Tiger Engine which both Destiny 1 and Density 2 use. In the world of technology, that’s just unacceptable. Imagine using -let’s go from the 2008 date - a 15 year old engine that was never made for live service games since back then, games were box-games, for a live service game. What genius thought that was a good idea? The current engine is in some cases, older than the players who play the game that it’s meant to keep running, and in other cases, either as old, or slightly younger, than other players. That’s just pathetic.

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        4 Odpowiedzi
        • WRONG!!! Remember, Bungie justified making D2 saying it will make coding and changes to the game easier because it is a new engine. It’s not the game engine, it’s Bungie. They focus on Eververse and woke garbage more than being competent. D3 would be another dumpster-fire,

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          • Edytowany przez użytkownika TheShadow: 1/25/2023 11:33:29 PM
            Luke Smith said they won't do dedicated servers, and it's been 8 years. So why would they design a new engine this late in the game with Matter and other projects that are on the way that this game is funding?

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            • You can’t really have a new engine without a destiny 3 release. A new engine needs a new game.

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              • Edytowany przez użytkownika cloaked1: 1/26/2023 4:45:03 PM
                Speaking from 23 years of professional experience as a systems engineer/SRE, without seeing how things work on the back-end, calling for a new engine is likely mildly premature. If I were to guess, bungie doesn't have (SRE|System Eng|DevOp)s (whatever you wanna call them these days) managing infrastructure and operations. Instead, they likely have developers doing it and traditionally, that's always been a horrible idea, because frankly, they really don't have a great track record for knowing how to run operational infrastructure. Writing a whole new engine is painstaking, takes a long time, and is error prone. Besides, why throw the baby out with the bath water. It's better to fix the bugs and enhance the current engine usually. I'm curious, how have you identified that the engine needs work? From a client side of things, I have never seen any significant issues with the game play. The network suuuuucks! That could likely use some work, but as I said, we have no idea how they're running their servers as far as I'm aware. My guess is that their back-end needs some optimization. I *think* they use AWS for their back end infra (based on region names I've seen). At any rate, my guess is that this is where they need help. If they're using kubernetes, then that could cause some additional question in terms of load balancing, ingresses, etc, in my estimation. A new engine would be like taking a hammer to an ant hill I think. I doubt much good can come of that right now if your goal was to still play d2 as it currently is in form. Also, data migration is extremely difficult to perform flawlessly and almost always runs into problems. I doubt db schemas are perfect (assuming they're used, which I'm guessing they are). Migration isn't impossible, but I almost promise you it would never be done. They'd just start over from scratch minus basic player data and if you start with a new engine, that's likely what you would least I would.

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                5 Odpowiedzi
                • [quote]thank you to the Bungie devs for listening to the community and making some excellent changes and for scrambling to fix all the current and previous bugs. I see you and appreciate you.[/quote] Second that. But also, Once a game reaches the point where content players paid for needs to be removed to continue, a sequel to that game should be released. I'd rather buy D3 and still retain all the D2 content I paid for than keep paying to replace parts of D2 with what could have been D3.

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                • This game is outdated, can’t play it anymore

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                • Not so easy. New engine no matter how good if they are not careful, D2 would be ended up cody-messy game.

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                • I’ve had this thought in my head for some time, but it would be cool if Destiny 1 was remastered with a new engine. A nostalgic reboot of the first game with all dlcs, original armors and weapons, arms days, xur, the whole nine yards. Let new and veteran players alike enjoy the simpler times of destiny with a few tweaks of course.

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                • It would take them longer to introduce a new engine then to make a whole new game.

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                • 1
                  1. You cannot just migrate data. The data needs to be compatible with the new engine. 2. Making or buying a new engine is supremely expensive. Destiny 2 is ending in two years. Bungie isn't doing squat and I don't blame them. 3. Bungie needs to understand the new engine themselves. They would have to hire a completely different team who can work with the new engine. There are more reasons I'm sure.

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                • Based off of other games. Very difficult, absurdly difficult, it will take years if you want to make the game feel and look the same. You can't just take code and assets and move it to another engine and be done, it's equivalent to creating an entirely new game almost.

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                • Edytowany przez użytkownika Krampus3637: 1/26/2023 11:50:06 PM
                  Wont happen thats time and money they wont spend. Stop sucking up thanking then for fixing when they should test more.

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                  2 Odpowiedzi
                  • Frankly, just how bad this year has been in terms of quantity and size of the games bugs it’s definitely time, I mean it’s incredibly easy on Nessus patrol to get behind and under the world with the implementing of things like strand I can only imagine that it’s going to get easier to do that in the EDZ and what not. If one of the bigger lightfall leaks is correct though it looks like Bungie isn’t planning for a new engine until after final shape and hopes to tough it out but I don’t know if they’ll have a choice at this point…

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                  • Only way that’ll happen is if they drop Destiny 2 and make a Destiny 3 for the next gen. Could happen but it wouldn’t be for a few years, That said it’s not really worth the time and effort for them to do that

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                  • 2
                    Interesting thing about AZ is that he constantly switches sides and say useless things that everyone would agree with so naturally everyone thinks he's a genius with inside source Could D2 use a new engine? Of course, every live service does, meanwhile most live service with the size of destiny runs on older engines, that tech difficulty card is burnt, and every time they pull this card is when they try to justify dcv and sunsetting, so did the article AZ credited in his video, and if Bungie refuses to explain in detail how their engine is limiting the content size, not even back when they try to delete years of content, then sorry this excuse is of low credibility All before we talk about the reality that bungie is working on multiple new titles with sony and NetEase, some of which confirmed to be using the same tiger engine

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                    1 Odpowiedź
                    • 20
                      You can always tell when a new Aztecross video comes out.

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                      29 Odpowiedzi
                      • Look at the new TWAB, the issue was never an engine issue. Imagine being an arm chair expert on stuff you know nothing about and then get proven wrong [i]by the developers themselves.[/i]

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                        3 Odpowiedzi
                        • It would be FAR more realistic for Bungie to take the game offline for a weeklong maintenance to do thorough upgrades and repairs to the game and servers. I know bugs are normal, but it’s pretty clear something major is wrong and is seemingly getting worse with every content update.

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                          2 Odpowiedzi
                          • Game engines take years to make as well as tens of thousands of dollars in costs, a better option since bungie is partnered with epic now is to use their engine for destiny 3 but I really doubt anything like that would happen since they would need to reprogram litteraly every line of code used for the current game

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                          • You have new engine money??

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                          • Yes, yes and yes. Tiger engine is outdated, it's time to upgrade Bungo.

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