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Destiny 2

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2/17/2023 3:51:36 PM

Raid/checkpoint Last Wish wish system

Disclaimer: this is specific feedback for Bungie directly. Also I have no idea if anyone has mentioned this type of thing before. I really think that the Last Wish wish system for raiding is a great one. I would love if Bungie would consider implementing it into the other raids for a couple of reasons. Anyone who raids knows that whenever you LFG you will have people join to sneakily run away with the checkpoint or sometimes they will be kind and ask first. It would be such a good situation if the checkpoint people were able to simply wish for their checkpoints in any raid so that people who actually want to get on with a run with people of the same goal can do so without being stalled by people just looking to steal a checkpoint. I've almost reached my boiling point of explaining an encounter to people, checking they know their roles only for them to leave as soon as they get the checkpoint. This would literally benefit both sides. Everyone would win. If Last Wish can have it I don't see why others can't other than the lore reason. I hope it's considered because it would improve raiding so so much.

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