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2/18/2023 11:50:01 PM

Unable to get cross save working because of steam account

I'm having trouble getting cross save working on my account, I recently switched from Xbox to pc and I want to get my stuff here, but my bungie account is linked to a no longer existing steam account and because of this i cannot link my new steam account nor making cross save working, I tried making a new account with the same name to bypass the authentication but it didn't work.

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    Swat The Bot
    Swat The Bot

    Over $700 donated to Bungie Foundation - 1/15/2025 2:49:23 AM

    You will need to remove the Steam account. If you can't log into the account, you will never be able to remove it. Bungie can't remove platform accounts, only we can. I recommend contacting Steam to see if they can restore the account.

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