On my flawless game we believe our game was maliciously attacked by two people causing the round to go into permanent overtime. When we messaged the opposing team they tried to convince us to leave. We are still currently in the lobby, while two members of the enemy team have left. @BungieHelp Screenshots of text messages admitting to the manipulation can be provided. Any help is appreciated.
A Ddoss attack disrupts a person's home internet for several minutes removing them from the game. If the other team won the match they are just asking you to leave as it would allow them to continue without the loss on their card.
That is not a DDoS attack, that is just a game bug. If the game isn't ending, you will have to quit. Sorry but that is the only solution. If you suspect people are cheating you can report them [url=https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049497451-Report-Suspected-Cheating]here.[/url]
Edytowany przez użytkownika GrundleBeans: 2/26/2023 12:58:29 AMHi there. This is not a case of DDoS. If you were DDoS'd, your router would have been kicked offline and it would take a while for you to get back online. Unfortunately the only thing you can do about the match is leave. Bungie takes reports of suspected cheating very seriously. If you suspect someone is cheating, the best course of action is to use the in-game report tool and report the suspected player. Additionally, Bungie has also provided a report tool online which can be accessed with the following link: [url]https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=13967#contact[/url] Please be sure to read through all of Bungie’s reporting guidelines before issuing a report.