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3/6/2023 12:26:15 AM

Destiny Blocks Microphone Access to Discord

Hi I don't know if anyone has a similar problem, but when I load up Destiny 2 regardless of whether team voice chat is on or off it blocks any sort of microphone interaction with other apps. I mainly use discord to talk with people I'm playing with and as soon as I tab into Destiny 2 past the main loading screen, it takes priority of my headset mic. I've tried downloading both discord and destiny. I've updated all of my drivers and even reset a bunch of audio settings. I even set destiny 2's priority mic to a different mic than my headset to see if anything would change. My headset mic still freezes on any other application than destiny. This problem ONLY happens with D2. I can run other games and talk on discord just fine. looking for a fix?? especially because raid day is coming

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