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Destiny 2

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Edytowany przez użytkownika Dredgen Wolf: 3/27/2023 12:26:12 AM

Positive take for Iron Banner

I love Iron Banner, I always have, even on Rift/Eruption/Zone Control. I found the good ole Control for Iron Banner to still be the same fun it has always been, sadly without quests or the cool old ways of things. I was mostly running Sunshot or Trust with my Solar Hunter, usually I use Void so this was a different experience but still quite fun. I had a great time, lots of good kills, zones captured, and hilarious deaths, many beers too. I wish it would give us IB bounties and quests again, like use this weapon archetype for long 'X' amount of kills before this amount of time, oh well, wishful thinking I suppose.

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