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Destiny 2

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Edytowany przez użytkownika bambuddha: 4/25/2023 7:11:34 PM

Mandolin-Sistence and the Problem with Some D2 Emotes

Let me start by saying I think Destiny 2 has some great emotes. However, I recently came across the new(ish) Mandolin-Sistence emote, and in my opinion, it's missing what it needs to be a fantastic emote. Music. It would be hilarious if you could just bust out a mandolin and start riffing right before a battle, at a funny moment, or right after overcoming a tough challenge or boss, but like a handful of recent emotes, it has next to no audio. Sorry, but that's just not all that fun. You would think that an emote that features a musical instrument would have accompanying audio as a given, but it doesn't, and this is the case for quite a few emotes that would be better off with built in sound. Season 20 has been especially lackluster in the audio department for it's emotes. See the examples below: Arcade Games - It's a really, really, cool emote, but it would be so much better with some old school Galaga style sounds to go with it! Spray and Pray - Great emote to celebrate beating a boss/finishing an activity, but why are there no weapon firing sounds for this one? You could probably even reuse an existing asset for it tbh. Simon Says - This could either use a voice line, or a different name for the emote. I think it would be VERY cool if we could get the male/female guardians/ghost to add some lines to some of these emotes. Torturous Dance - It would probably be a bit much to add music to every dance emote, but for the more expensive group dances/conga line, I think it would be worth it. Some emotes have audio already, but could be better. An honorable mention that actually does have audio already is the First Gig emote. That one had me excited. I get to play some music with my Fireteam? Heck yea! But when you actually get 3 people to agree to interact with the emote you get some pretty standard drumming and barely any music from the guitarists that joined you. It would be amazing if you could have an actual instrumental song play. Something like a rock and roll take on one of the Destiny musical scores from the base game/expansions. Maybe even let it pick and play from a couple different songs at random. You'd see that emote all over the place if it did that. Anyways, I mandolin-sist that you add strumming sounds to the Mandolin-Sistence emote, and I'll buy it. The description says that people are supposed to listen. I ask to what, Bungie? To what?

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