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Destiny 2

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6/16/2023 6:18:49 AM

Small W's that would make this game a game again

I recently saw IFrostbolt tweet about what would be some small Ws ideas for Destiny 2. I have a few but I want to clarify that this will have nothing to do with Dedicated Servers, Adding new pvp maps (even though we need it), Updates to gambit. Because none of those things have been talked about and bungie is still not going to talk about it so if you comment those things. You do you. [b]Small Ws[/b]: - [b]Sparrow Speed[/b]: All sparrow should be the same speed as Always on Time. -- [b]Sparrows should be Transmog-able[/b] (not a word but you get the idea) - [b]Ornament Challenges[/b] for each vendor every season instead of new armor. (Y1 had ornament challenge for strike and crucible. We know it possible for them to do this.) - [b]Collectable room on the helm[/b]. (there are 5 doors and only 3 of them have been used over and over. The door behind us when we spawn in should be a room that store all our old artifact, collectibles like the bobble head, bunny statue etc.) - [b]Emote Prices[/b]: Emotes are getting really expensive for absolutely no reasons. Not just in this game but many others. The price for emote should be in a range from 200 to 500 silvers. Collaboration Emote will be left alone to Bungie or the Collaborator price choices. - [b]Bright Dust Store[/b]: The bright Dust store is a great way for players to get cosmetics from previous seasons. I feel that we should get 2 rows rather than 1 row of choices. What I mean is that you know how sometime people dont get on for a week but they think that one emote or shader or ornament comes out the next week but it was out this week and missed out on it? The 1st row will still have the previous week items for sale and the 2nd row would have the current week. Once the next week come the 1st week items will be gone and replace by the 2nd week. and the 2nd row will be change to the 3rd week items. and so on and so on. - [b]Favorite Shader[/b]: The ability to favorite shaders so you don't have to go through the whole list to find the one you liked. Or a search bar for those who always remember the name. - [b]Bounty Tab[/b]: Add a tab to choose the bounty of all vendors from all planet without having to go to them. You can be on nessus at the cistern open the tab and grab nessus bounties. [b]Big Ws[/b]: - [b]Community Event[/b]: An event to upgrade the Tower look to be more advance than it should be. (We are undead human with advance technology and we live on the side of a concrete wall with nothing but beams and railing. Come on I expected more of a Future War cult/Dead orbit style of a tower not a common construction zone.) oh and the change is permanent never going back to the old look. - [b]Lounge Room on the Helm[/b]: The 2 doors that lead to the bottom of the helm can be use to enter the room. It be a huge space that we the players can customize. Sadly i would love to have the ability to chose where to put stuff but to be on the safe side of game engine or whatever limitation it has. It would have set location with the option to change the decoration in that location to how ever you want and the color of the room. To balance it out bungie could have their own Room Theme sets for us to choose from. -[b] Community Weekly Event[/b]: Events that will get players to engage more often like Double Xp Week for either Season Pass, Weapon level, and Catalyst quest/ Progress. - [b]Transmog Closet[/b]: We already have the Loadout section that save our build and Cosmetics style. But over time i notice that people really enjoy the Fashion of Destiny. Fashion week and Best Dress commendation have been going up recently. So why not have a Loadout that save all your transmog style separately. That way you can put on your pvp build and swap to your crayon style without affecting your builds. - [b]Heroic Public Event Reward buff[/b]: Heroic public event has a slim chance to give you Ascendant Shard, Asendant Alloy, and Exotic Engram. - [b]Fishing Pond Changes[/b]: Prevent Public event from removing the fishing pond. Allow blue fish to increase the fishing frenzy bar by 1/4 of the Legendary fish progress. As of now this is all I thought of. If you guys have any ideas as well put them down in the comment. If you guys are good with weapon math go nuts on the damage buff or nerf because personally I haven't touch pvp this season so I wouldn't know what weapon need a buff or nerf or changes.

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