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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
8/24/2023 7:41:26 AM

Presage on Legend mode can go F itself.

Dear Bungie Can we please for the love of god stop adding time limits as a way to up the challenge? It doesn't do anything to add challenge or enjoyment during a mission in which enemies already hit so hard they can literally one-shot you with perfect aim. To add to the issue respawning isn't instant when every second counts. Or how about this. Let's not lock the catalyst behind the Legend difficulty. Isn't everyone allowed to be able to get the catalyst? Why lock it behind a higher difficulty that forces you to sweat your balls off? Don't punish casual solo players for no reason. Also, I fully expect this post to be downvoted or filled with toxic comments because that's just the way people on the Bungie forums roll.

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