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Destiny 2

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Edytowany przez użytkownika Daemon White: 9/10/2023 8:24:48 PM

Please make Crucible and Gambit reputation gains a linear benefit on losses

A player has no real control on whether their team is good or as useful as a wet tissue against an opposing team. There is no real point in trying to sweat out a win unless the game itself is actually a close match because lobby balancing feels far too random, even in Iron Banner where Loose SBMM is in play. Sometimes there are very good close games, sometimes it's meh, and sometimes there are mercies. However, regardless of score difference, the losing team only gets HALF the reputation increase than that of the winners and that feels awful. I want to make a request to increase rep gains on losses, dependent on score difference. Say a 124-125 match grants 90 or 95% of a win on Rep gain and a Mercy gives the current 50%. Reward players who do well, even if the match wasn't a win. Banner, Crucible, Gambit, and even Trials rep increases in this manner would probably increase interaction as well, drawing players in for faster reputation rewards even if they don't win.

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