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Destiny 2

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Edytowany przez użytkownika SpawnsCenobites: 9/11/2023 12:39:41 AM

We need a Bungie Help Threads Account

X, previously known as Twitter, has recently shown signs of being an unreliable platform for communication. As a member of this community, I believe it's crucial to explore more dependable alternatives. One significant issue with X is the way information is displayed. For certain users, posts (previously tweets) are not presented chronologically, from newest to oldest. Surprisingly, some users see posts from as far back as 2019 appearing at the top of their feed. The platform doesn't offer an option to sort posts by recency, either. This inconsistency hampers our ability to stay updated with the latest announcements from the Bungie Help team. An example of this erratic post arrangement can be viewed [url=]here[/url]. It's worth noting that while I know many have encountered this problem recently, it doesn't affect all users. Furthermore, the communications from Bungie Help are not just essential; they are a cornerstone of Bungie's player relationship management strategy. Keeping players informed about the game's status, known issues, and updates is not just a service—it's also a commitment to transparency and player trust. Thus, relying solely on X as the primary communication channel poses a tangible business risk. Any disruption or inconsistency in communication, like the one currently experienced on X, can erode player's trust, Bungie's reputation, and player satisfaction. This is specially worrying given the mercurial leadership X is under and the tumultuous changes it has undergone recently. The unpredictability of X's direction, combined with the frequent shifts in its operational strategies, poses a significant risk to any organization relying solely on it for critical communication. Diversifying communication channels is a well-acknowledged risk mitigation strategy. By putting all their eggs in the X basket, Bungie is exposing itself to potential operational disruptions and reputational risks. Because of this, I urge Bungie to consider establishing a Bungie Help account on Threads or another stable platform. This would allow those of us unable to see the newer Bungie Help posts on X to be informed about the state of the game. A Threads account will also serve as a backup and ensure uninterrupted communication with the player community. [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been updated with tags that are more appropriate. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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