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Edytowany przez użytkownika Akaash: 10/12/2023 6:28:37 PM

Some surges totally not working. Also with equipping only those mods

I was testing now since I have nothing to do with the server error codes. (starting activities not worth it) I tested al surges on 1x 2x and 3x on my strand hunter and my conclusion is: Working surges 1x/2x/3x: -Arc -Strand -Void Totally not working 1x/2x/3x (only shows visually): -Kinetic -Solar -Stasis. Please check in to this. Those surges are not even working with equipping one of them. I hope you are aware. Edit: Still does not work after patch Update Please fix this. Update 12-10-2023: After futher testing I noticed Big spec/major spec/minor spec is overriding the kinectic Surges on my wardens law kinetic hand cannon which has a vorpal weapon perk on it. So, Vorpal weapoen + Weapon spec mod + Surges = BUG (vorpal + spec mod only) Other weapon and surges need further testing.

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