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Edytowany przez użytkownika RurouniDante: 10/1/2023 8:48:28 PM

It has been over a month since I have been able to play with anyone on Destiny 2

This is my second time trying to get this post any traction. I do not know what to call this issue but I am completely alone in Destiny 2. This issue started around the time Season of the Witch was released. I can not join anyone and no one can join me with or without invites. When I try to matchmake for any game mode that has matchmaking I go in alone, except for Crucible and Gambit where I will sit and wait for it to find players until I get the error code Mongoose. Every social space in Destiny 2 is empty. This is not a NAT issue as I am on an Open NAT type and it is not a networking issue as my brother who plays in the same house as me on the same platform (Steam) as me does not have any of these issues or any issues at all. On top of that every other online game works perfectly fine with no issues what so ever. I have tried everything and nothing has solved this problem, the only other thing that has been thought of is that it is an account problem that can not be solve by me but by Bungie. I am at a loss and I need help solving this issue. [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to the #Help forum where you can find answers and troubleshoot any Destiny in-game/ app issues, courtesy of other helpful players and Mentors. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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  • [quote]This is my second time trying to get this post any traction. I do not know what to call this issue but I am completely alone in Destiny 2. This issue started around the time Season of the Witch was released. I can not join anyone and no one can join me with or without invites. When I try to matchmake for any game mode that has matchmaking I go in alone, except for Crucible and Gambit where I will sit and wait for it to find players until I get the error code Mongoose. Every social space in Destiny 2 is empty. This is not a NAT issue as I am on an Open NAT type and it is not a networking issue as my brother who plays in the same house as me on the same platform (Steam) as me does not have any of these issues or any issues at all. On top of that every other online game works perfectly fine with no issues what so ever. I have tried everything and nothing has solved this problem, the only other thing that has been thought of is that it is an account problem that can not be solve by me but by Bungie. I am at a loss and I need help solving this issue.[/quote] Are you on PlayStation network? If so, check your date and time settings. If for some reason they are set forward or back you will get this exact issue.

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