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10/14/2023 3:20:42 PM

Clan rant

[spoiler]this is a rant[/spoiler] [spoiler]this is a rant[/spoiler] [spoiler]this is [u]still[/u] a rant[/spoiler] If y'all couldn't tell, this is a rant. Don't read this if you don't want to read a rant. Don't report me for ranting because, well, because you were told this is a rant. Ok, now that the disclaimer is out of the way... I'm F2P, no DLCs, no season pass, doubt I will get any of it either. I see too many other rants about spending money on a "broke game", so don't even tell me to buy anything. Here's the rant: why, oh WHY do clans not read what people post in the clan thread? I explicitly state that I'm F2P, no DLCs, no content, and on Xbox... looking for a clan that would work with me in the activities that I [i]can[/i] do. And yet I get multiple replies from hugemongus clans with the C&P recruitment motto "Join "X" for end-game raids and GMNF farming!" [b]UGH[/b] did I not just mention I can't do that? Or if... and that's a BIG if... I get a typed response and not C&P (copy and paste) recruitment motto, I'll message them and we'll talk. They still would "love to have you" on their team, so I join. And yep... GMNF and all the other stuff I can't do. Can I get one or two to go with me to LDoE? I've got a Starhorse bounty I'd like to do? Or maybe even a VoG (I think I can do that)? Nope. Farming GM. So I leave, post another LFC and guess what? Yep. Had it happen... Same clan, diff person saying "We'd love to have you". UGH Forget the LFG on Twitter, or X, or whatever Musk-y boy wants to call it... Same -blam!-, different media. I understand the best gear is paid for content. I get that. I just want a clan of ppl that play just to play, and not be the meta in Crucible 24/7. Or have the highest number of flawless runs in GM. I don't care about that. Oh crap... I just pissed off at least 50% of the playerbase. My bad. Are there any clans that actually "just play the game"? Because it's a game... Not a life goal? I'm 52, and somewhat anti-social because I'm cranky and don't like entitled brats whining about how they had to farm GM more than once to get a drop they want that's not available by buying it. I just enjoy playing, and would enjoy having at least one other person to go with me into a Legend activity because solo-ing it, is not an efficient option for me. Not that I can't, I have before, it's just funner (yes, intentional) doing it with someone. No I don't have Xbox friends who play. I had 2 and one died a year ago, and the other is mad at Destiny2 because they assumed when they purchased TWQ dlc, that they got access to the [i]entire[/i] game. Their misunderstanding, but they don't play because of it. And yes, I've browsed the clan thread and msgd a few clans... Never got word back. Here, Xwitter, even on Xbox LFG posts. Certainly I'm not the only F2P human on earth? Anyway, anyone out there that just likes to play? On Xbox? That will play with a F2P Guardian?

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