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11/4/2023 6:51:06 PM

Need help from bungie, please...

I was hoping someone from bungie themselves could help me out here. I've had an issue about changing my linked xbox account as I've got a new account and my old one is now my brothers. I've gone through the process to authenticate my linked cross save accounts, but because I've deactivated cross save, it now wants me to wait 90 days before I can relink. My 2 questions are as follows: 1; Is it as simple as linking a new Microsoft/Xbox account to my bungie ID? 2; Is there no way for the process to sped up as I only wanted to change what xbox account I had linked? As a bit of additional information, I originally had everything linked at the start from my steam account, so that's the only one I'd be able to play with. However, I don't have a pc to play the game through steam. Only xbox or PlayStation...

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  • Edytowany przez użytkownika EckyThump: 11/4/2023 7:16:38 PM
    Hey there, 1 - So your active account is Steam, you had cross-save set up with PSN and XBox. You've disabled cross-save, so yes, now you can unlink the old XBox account and link the new one. Once the cross-save cooldown has elapsed, you can set cross-save up again. 2 - No way. It is mandatory, it cannot be reduced nor bypassed.

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