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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
11/27/2023 6:37:37 PM

YOUNG AHAMKARA'S SPINE - revert change for PVE

Bungie, omg please I beg you. Make YAS give energy on hit as it was before the patch, where it needs a kill. Please the exotic got so bad. I understand that it was because of pvp, but please revert the change for pve at least. So that you can chain tripmines with gunpowder and knifetrick (which should count as 2x energy back as it did before). For real, I get that people got really mad because of it in pvp, but why is that change affecting it in pve? You can't tell me that you guys aren't able to make the exotic work a little bit different in pve and pvp, if that's the reason then wow, sad. So Bungie, please make YAS be useful in pve again, at least pve, I beg you from my heart. I read so many comments on youtube, tiktok, forums, that people are understanding the change for pvp, but are as upset as I am that it also affected how it works in pve, come on. That's like super bad work from your side, so give us a little bit of love and make exotics changes not affect how they work in pve, just because they are somewhat problematic in pvp, that's not fair. :(

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