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1/8/2024 2:16:17 PM

Gurzil • [PVE Clan + Community ] • [Looking For Loyal Active Gamers ] (don't care for numbers) • [New Players/End Game Players] • [D2]

[b][i]Gurzil🐺[/i][/b] is a place for members to join and learn about the game, and for most part count on active members for help. We are a heavy PVE focused clan. We want new and experienced members to join up so we can build a family that you and others can always count on for all content in the game. We are gamers that play no matter the stuff going on with bungie/the game and so-on. We Love It and Play it [quote]PS: IF YOU CANT HANDLE CHECKING DIFF CHANNELS TO UNLOCK D2 Sections/ Fun+Tech Sections/ D2 Guides/reset/and other channels.. then don't request to join.[/quote] 🕋 [u][b]How To Join Gurzil 🐺[/b][/u] 1. Join the discord [url=] Gurzil Discord[/url] 2. Fill out the > Clan Forum Clan Page [i][url=] Gurzil Clan Page[/url][/i] [i]IF YOU DON'T FILL OUT THE FORUM YOUR INVITE GETS DENIED [/i] ⭐ [u][b]Requirements For Gurzil 🐺 [/b][/u] 💬・Be active, On Game and Discord few times a week if can... 1 month of inactivity members get removed. 🎙️・Must have a microphone, We use in game chat for content runs or discord.. 🔞・Must be 18+ (if applying and under 18, we are mostly adults so convo's might not be great) 👨🏾‍🤝‍👨🏼[u][b]Type of D2 Gamers Looking For Gurzil 🐺[/b][/u] ⭐・Be Lightlevel 1780+ (anything over is good, anything under grind up and then apply) 🫂・Be willing to learn/teach (new players is good but being able to teach stuff is nice) 🆘・Be willing to help people (not just take the help and not give) 💪・End Game Player (love doing raids/dungeons/GM's) [u][b]What To Expect From Gurzil 🐺[/b][/u] 👥・A Dedicated Admins/Team to offer you help and support 🦾・Active Clan and Community/Supportive clan 🏆・Teaching/Sherpa to help you through all content ✋・Doing END GAME content, GM's & Master Nightfalls, Story Missions, Exotic Missions and more. 👨‍🏫・Will teach you about the game, even if a vet you can learn stuff. [u][b]What We Expect From You In Gurzil 🐺[/b][/u] 🤣・Nice/Excellent sense of humor 👨🏾‍🤝‍👨🏼・Respectful gamers 🧐・We are seeking dedicated Guardians (gamers that are active, wanting to do all content) 😤・Don't get mad if we are teaching raids/content and wipes happen. [u][b]Gurzil 🐺 Clan Discord 🗨️ Stuff[/b][/u] [quote]PS : DISCORD HAS ALOT OF SECTION, AND MORE WHEN STUFF GETS UNLOCKED.. 95% OF IT IS INFO, 5% OF IT IS CHAT.. SO ITS ALL STUFF YOU CAN MARK AS READ.. AND JUST FOCUS ON CHAT SECTIONS.[/quote] 🔁 Weekly/Daily reset channels 📆 EVENTS Schedule Raids Channel (destiny events + many others) ⚔️ WEAPONS Channels, Shard or Keep channel to discuss rolls and perks for weapons ⁉️ TIPS & TRICKS Channels, Share info or ask questions 🗯️ SOCIAL Fun topics like moves, food, fishing, shows, sports, music, etc. 🎤 VOICE CHAT Dedicated voice channels for PC/Console fireteams and general convos, clutter-free 🎮 LFG Channel Find people to team up with, keep chat channels clean.

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Bądź w porządku dla innych. Poświęć chwilę na przejrzenie naszego Kodeksu Postępowania, zanim zamieścisz swój post. Anuluj Edytuj Stwórz drużynę ogniową Posty

  • Welcome! Here at Gurzil, we're a salt-free, chill PvE focused clan, and many of us are ready to run all kinds of content in the game. We're also ready to lend you a helping hand if you need it. We have an awesome Discord server packed with features and a wonderful community! No matter if you're a newbie, or a vet who knows everything, we treat you like a friend, not just a user. Tired of LFG? Need a fun group of people to game and chat with? Then come join us at Gurzil! I personally can say this clan changed my view of the game. I was having horrible experiences on LFG, and i really wanted to run raids and dungeons. So I found Gurzil and met an awesome group of people from around the world! Since then, I've come to play Destiny a lot more, and enjoy running things. So come on down and give us a shot! Can't wait to run with ya ✌️ -HundredCrowd691

    Język wpisów:


    Bądź w porządku dla innych. Poświęć chwilę na przejrzenie naszego Kodeksu Postępowania, zanim zamieścisz swój post. Anuluj Edytuj Stwórz drużynę ogniową Posty

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