I get bungie wants to protect people from scary swear words but the censoring is far to aggressive and censors random words. Also what is the point of having a control in settings to turn on censoring if it doesn't work? Bungie please remove the censor or make it better or make it so the settings toggle actually works.
The chat filter is still censoring me for typing numbers and letter in the same sentence. No swear words or toxic phrases. Just trying to convey basic information to players and it gets censored by the profanity filter......
Yeah tried to write a text message to my friend who was wondering where I was in the helm, and i said "Im in the basement" for whatever reason the word "basement" is censored? im just lost completely on why this is.
You think this hive of scum and villainy can be trusted with uncensored text? Lololololooololololololll
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If only Sony and Microsoft, of even Bungie would come up with a way to use microphones to chat to people. And on PC, someone could even write some software to allow us to chat. You heard it here first folks. Don't steal my idea! It'll be huge!
[quote]I get bungie wants to protect people from scary swear words but the censoring is far to aggressive and censors random words. Also what is the point of having a control in settings to turn on censoring if it doesn't work? Bungie please remove the censor or make it better or make it so the settings toggle actually works.[/quote] There are so many words that are censored for no reason other than some group of dunces on 4chan used it in a bad context. Like, I typed holy frijoles and "frijoles" was censored. Frijoles is Spanish for "beans" and "holy frijoles" is an exclamation of amazement. No offensive language there. Whatever Bungie.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Kildozer666: 2/3/2024 7:38:09 PMCorporations deciding what people can & can’t say and what opinions are acceptable is a horrific dystopian nightmare. Let us please end this insanity of begging governments and corporations to control our lives and/or police your neighbors because they hold different views than your household.
"B-b-but what if you offend someone!" No -blam!-, that's why i'm writing the swear word
Was doing ir yut master challenge last week with clan mates and it censored the number 1452 in the text chat for the callouts on which tower had wizards. What a joke lol
Hell -blam!- ya!
No, take your potty mouth somewhere else.
But what about the poor snowflakes?
You know what they say.. [b]Go woke, go..[/b] [spoiler]lowest playercount in d2 history[/spoiler]
ho nk ho nk with no space is censored in game make you think
Same here, supossedly I have text chat censor OFF. But it still censors pretty much everything.
They think they gotta protect all the little snowflakes who hate being called mean names by random strangers online. I know this post isn’t necessarily referring to hate mail, but obviously that’s why they implemented this change. If people don’t like getting hate mail, turn off dms from strangers.
What are you even trying to say? I use text chat all the time and never feel censored.