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2/17/2024 4:21:17 PM

Unable to Cross save

Hello, I just bought a new PC and I want to cross save my PSN account with epic or steam, the problem is that my PSN account was hacked 3 years ago and I restored it. the hacker connected his steam account to my Bungie account, and now i can't perform cross save due to the hacker steam account needing to be authenticated, can you help me?

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  • Hi there. Like ishikusui mentioned, the only way to unlink the Steam account is if you can authenticate the login yourself. Under no circumstances will Bungie forcefully remove or unlink an account for security. If you can't authenticate the account, then your option is to unlink the accounts you do have access to from your profile and link them to a new one. Please note that code redeemed emblems and special promo rewards are tied the profile they were redeemed on. By switching profiles, your accounts will lose access to them. Read this article for more information:

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