And yet again bungie starts to baby the other classes and shoot down hunters chances of winning. Honestly as a hunter main is always feels like bungie is ACTIVELY working AGAINST me in guardian games trying to prevent hunters from winning and babying the other titans are now getting up to 40 mil while hunters barely scratched 2 mil. Now it feels like no matter how much I play the focus activity my score barely does anything. Why couldn't we just have the win? I mean it not like we've won every year and the one year we did win it was BARELY because of the rigged scaling. It's not like winning does anything more then give us a fancy statue and bragging rights like come on. You guys should've just gotten rid of the activity instead of just once again throwing hunters into a ditch we can't climb out of to stop the other classes from crying. It's not fair to make one classes chances of winning -0 and boosting the others, that's not fair scaling, but of course yet again hunters just get to see our effort go down the drain for another year. Thanks bungie.
Normally i wouldnt care. But the fact that bungie has to step in and tip the scales in favor of the other classes, landslide or not, defeats the purpose of GG. (Titan Main BTW) It feels cheap that the only reason we're winning is because hunters got nerfed hard. Again. Personally I would like to win knowing the scales werent tipped in my team's favor. Bungie needs to completely redo guardian games cause this -blam!- can't keep happening. All their "scaling" did was just turn it fron Hunter landslides to Titan landslides. Fun fact, if they don't want these landslides to happen, dont make GG a numbers game where the class with the most players has the best chance. If you can't make the event fair for every team no matter the numbers, and you have to step in, you shouldn't make it at all.
Just like every professional sport, it's rigged - the sooner you realize that, the better you'll feel. If you're trying to get the focused activity, just switch to the class that's winning towards the end, do one match, strike, NF or whatever it is, wait until it's over, collect, and win
oh my god who f cares who wins in guardian games. oh nooo hunters are winning by a landslide today. oh nooo now titans are winning by a landslide today. you and the others sound like sports fans. stop with all these whining posts and play the game ffs
you realize it's all rigged right? It's like professional sports - they have to cater to the cry babies
Does anyone one else play all three classes and doesn’t make the game a class war
They already won it was rigged before the start... Next year warlocks will win...
You care too much,it’s a boring event with subpar loot.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Milk: 3/13/2024 5:29:09 PM[quote]And yet again bungie starts to baby the other classes and shoot down hunters chances of winning. Honestly as a hunter main is always feels like bungie is ACTIVELY working AGAINST me in guardian games trying to prevent hunters from winning and babying the other titans are now getting up to 40 mil while hunters barely scratched 2 mil. Now it feels like no matter how much I play the focus activity my score barely does anything. Why couldn't we just have the win? I mean it not like we've won every year and the one year we did win it was BARELY because of the rigged scaling. It's not like winning does anything more then give us a fancy statue and bragging rights like come on. You guys should've just gotten rid of the activity instead of just once again throwing hunters into a ditch we can't climb out of to stop the other classes from crying. It's not fair to make one classes chances of winning -0 and boosting the others, that's not fair scaling, but of course yet again hunters just get to see our effort go down the drain for another year. Thanks bungie.[/quote] Your first mistake was caring about Guardian Games. Your second was coming here and complaining. Your third was being a Hunter and deciding to speak up about anything in the game ever. We're the first group people say whine and complain, and here you are whining and complaining.
"It's not like winning does anything more than give us a fancy statue and bragging rights;" so why post a complaint?
Bra GG is lame lol no one cares who actually wins
Last week hunters won all week. And when i said its rigged. All hunters were defending that its not. That hunters are the best. But now hunters are back same to crying.
They really rigged the emote finishers for hunters. Sneaky, try it .
Edytowany przez użytkownika Seki: 3/13/2024 10:34:35 AMThe only bad part of this is that we now have to gamble a 1/3 for the champions package instead of doing one game on dumb hunter for a guaranteed one
You're not a real Hunter. Harden up, princess.