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5/9/2024 3:58:17 PM

Early Feedback for The Pantheon

How is everyone feeling about The Pantheon so far? We are keeping an eye on the feedback and want to hear your thoughts. How is the difficulty? Are the encounter tweaks enjoyable? How do you feel about the scoring and time bonus?

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  • Edytowany przez użytkownika Chunk: 5/11/2024 5:33:41 PM
    It was fun, pretty sure -10 is my clans limit but we'll keep going and try but -15 might be a stretch for us n contest mode -20 even with active surges def won't happen for us even with a week. Shame I would have liked the title. Good rewards n activity structure..

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  • Not even going to bother; seems interesting though. You destroyed the Strike or Vanguard Ops playlist by putting in seasonal content instead of adding more strikes. Get rid of old seasonal content, it's taking up unnecessary space. Seems you want to focus more on the raid side of things. Do us a solid and unvault all strikes and put them in a cycled playlist along with revamped D1 strikes. Some of us don't want to go near raids because of how long they take and the fact we have to go outside the game to find out what to do. Last thing anyone wants to do is fail the fireteam and fold not very enjoyable. An in game tutorial or navigational mode would be nice but that's probably asking too much. I don't mind getting in a fire team of 6 or even more which would be great but not everyone is comfortable getting on a Mike and being told what to do. That's why there are so many solo players I guess. The in game fireteam finder / creator is a step in the right direction, I've done a lot of things I wouldn't normally do so good job on that. More onslaught maps would be nice just for general feedback. Hope that helps.

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  • I like it. But some of your design rationale is very questionable. Like, do you want people actually to play this mode or only small portion of people play it? Increased weekly difficulty means you already have to ve pretty seasonable player to get these done, and unless you have a good clan I think this will be complete turn-off to raiding for LFG players who are not (less experienced people will dial in, have miserable experience, and never come back - just like with Trials). What I don’t like is the availability of this event which is only like 1 month.

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  • Edytowany przez użytkownika HellfireEclipse: 5/11/2024 6:34:48 PM
    The low IQ of the players made me uninstall They just stand around, ignore mechanics, and just say uhhhhhhhhh

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  • Knowing the score at the end is useless and irrelevant. Let me see at least my damage if you don't want to show everyone's. Only way to improve my dps is by knowing what I did to begin with.

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    5 Odpowiedzi
    • It shouldn't be limited imo. I think it would be cool to have it permanent and include all raid bosses to rotation. God slayer title should be limited for the hard-core raiders. Maybe different modifiers each week.

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      1 Odpowiedź
      • I like it a lot. But I hate that it is time limited, especially when I was already trying to play a lot to finish the 4 seasons and then Into the Light stuff too.

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      • 2

        Lore-meister - stary

        Too hard please make it more casual friendly

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      • My clan and I have been enjoying it so far. Very rewarding, and the encounter tweaks make things more interesting. First week was a bit of a joke, but with week 2 I can see how those platinum times will get really tight in the last couple weeks. Hoping to see something like Pantheon again in the future!

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        1 Odpowiedź
        • Difficulty that question is purely speculative dumb question! I’d say it’s fine whilst some of my clan mates will tell you it’s too difficult. Time vs score just pick one or the other ! Randomness of the changes in the encounters isn’t random after the first week ! I feel you should have made this a community event rather than an ego challenge , there are way more than enough big egos in this community. Will I complete this title yes will the other 10 clan members I have left playing complete this no maybe 2 or 3 . Now a question for you Bungie does this create resentment or cohesion in my clan ?

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        • Golgoroth and the Caretaker sometimes bug out (again). G will ignore you despite you having his gaze while C can get stuck at a plate on the 2nd floor not allowing you to two-floor him.

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        • Pantheon is very enjoyable! The rewards are fantastic and give a good incentive to engage with the event. Frequent red border and adept weapon drops are a great catchup mechanic for people who never got around to finishing all the red borders for some of the raids or don't have adept rolls they like. The encounter changes are enjoyable and bring a good change of pace for people already very familiar with the encounters keeping things fresh, while not changing things so much that it feels like a different encounter. I am a little bit worried about how brutal some elements will be on contest difficulty but we will have to see when that becomes available. I also quite like the escalating difficulty because it is a great form of day one raid practice for my team. Getting acclimated to the challenge week by week is a fantastic mechanic. Overall I love the work that has been put in over the last year to add more gradual difficulty scaling and activities that slowly build the delta so it doesn't feel like the challenge spikes too hard. The only things I dislike is how tight the time-gating is for the event. Five weeks is not very much time to earn the seal especially given that the final challenges will only be available for two weeks. If you're busy those two weeks you're kinda screwed even if you want to participate. The other thing that doesn't feel great is some of the score requirements feel a bit arbitrary for the triumphs. Getting a high score does correlate with mastery but some of the ways you farm score are kinda weird and disrupt the flow of normal raiding. I think it would be better if there was less focus on vanguard medals and more focus on purely rewarding a fast clear. Overall Pantheon is fantastic for the raiding community. I would love to see something similar for dungeons or returning for raids with different bosses! It feels like a very special event that has me and my friends more motivated than ever to raid.

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        • Bring back sunset bosses into a new Playlist!

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        • -I actually want to see more versions of pantheon. Adding things from the other raids, even bringing back the Leviathan. -I think maybe tweaks need to he made to timers/scoring. The way it is now, you *have* to do things in such a way that is over optimal that really only top majority of players will do. like 1 clone atraks or 2 flooring caretaker. (Not advocating for "handouts" as so many of the players hate) I'm saying that doing the encounters "legit" should be less punishing for doing them that way I'm terms of how the score works

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        • I wish score thresholds were more clear. It was frustrating this week to beat Atraks within the time but not get the triumph progress.

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        • A dungeon Pantheon would be AWESOME.

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          1 Odpowiedź
          • Can we get rid of the damage cap on Caretaker? It is too hard

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          • Edytowany przez użytkownika Burngle: 5/9/2024 5:26:12 PM
            It is OK so far, but the biggest gripe I have is the timer for each encounter. Especially Caretaker. The timer is short enough that you almost HAVE to kill him in two floors. I don’t think it’s ok to basically force teams to skip an entire damage floor. My first run we got it done on 3 floors but it was with 1 second to spare. That definitely won’t be possible for 99% if teams at -15 to -20 power. I understand the exclusivity for the activity, but maybe it is just a TAD harder than it has to be. Maybe be a little more generous with the timers on the last 2 weeks? And maybe keep the last week at -15 instead of -20?

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            3 Odpowiedzi
            • Increase the Plat Timer on Caretaker, God Damm.

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            • Don’t know. Can’t be arsed to get a non sweaty team together. I’m sure many will enjoy it . A little too difficult for myself. Anyway, what’s really the point as the guys who play it and win already have the weapons?

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            • 0

              I rage I get mad I talk shiz - stary

              [quote]How is everyone feeling about The Pantheon so far? We are keeping an eye on the feedback and want to hear your thoughts. How is the difficulty? Are the encounter tweaks enjoyable? How do you feel about the scoring and time bonus?[/quote] Nobody cares we just wanted trials but yet you guys messed up again big L

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            • Add Pantheon for Dungeons.

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            • Difficulty is a W. Tormentors feel totally out of place and shoved in. Could not possibly care less about medals and wish there was an option to turn them off from popping up. Incredibly annoying.

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            • I don’t mind the timers - it separates completion from skill but generally the encounters feel a little over tuned in places. It was marketed as something for raiders to get adept weapons but it is more for skilled raiders who will likely already have them. Not necessarily a bad thing but how it was marketed feels off. I don’t love the high scores being needed for the title but that is what it is I suppose. It is clear it is for top players not everyone - which is fine if it was explained that way.

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            • [quote]How is everyone feeling about The Pantheon so far? We are keeping an eye on the feedback and want to hear your thoughts. How is the difficulty? Are the encounter tweaks enjoyable? How do you feel about the scoring and time bonus?[/quote] I think it’s perfect. I see a lot of comments about time and rewards blah blah blah….. Let me explain. But it’s a great shake up of raids with a new title, new emblems, and FREE ADEPT loot for those not “good enough” for master raid challenges. So I Definitely don’t see the complaint being valid from the “more casuals”. - Timer is great. No one wants to spend all day doing the simple encounters. Faster has always been the best option. - The added mechanics and slight changes make it interesting to those who have did these encounters many times already. It’s a fun shake up not just repeat exact encounters for a boring experience. - Loot is on point. Casuals getting Harrowed/adept loot without master challenges. Cool Emblems and Lots of spoils for the same/less time as doing one of these raids from start to finish. Anyone complaining about Pantheon Either just doesn’t know the raids and doesn’t want to learn them or is upset they cannot find a free carry in LFG.

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            • getting platinum score on atraks but not getting the plat triumph must be a bug, if not change it cause thats dumb, otherwise been having fun with it

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