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Rekrutacja do klanów

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Edytowany przez użytkownika Adranelyne: 5/13/2024 7:05:41 PM

Vαpor • Endgame PVE

The recruitment process for clans that I’ve followed for years doesn’t work anymore. No one reads these posts so I’ll keep this short: -Must have the following: •250 full raid clears •2 full clear lowman runs on raids still available to play today •3+ flawless raids on raids still available to play today •Discord •US/NA time zones The fact I had to list out requirements is really sad, but apparently stating that people need to show competency in high-end PVE with flawless/lowman/day one raid experience is too confusing. If you read this and meet those requirements I can be reached on Discord at Adranelyne.

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