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Destiny 2

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5/28/2024 5:06:28 AM

Why shouldn’t Overflow perk work in PVP?

Hey people, I know some of you guys have a weapon with Overflow in your vault, or in your inventory. Odds are, you’ve probably used the Overflow perk in Crucible at some point. If not, maybe once, or at least twice. But ever since the special ammo crates’ and transmats’ existence, Overflow (Mainly primary ammo weapons) have become a useless perk in Crucible. For those who don’t know, Overflow only procs when people pick up a special/heavy ammo brick that was on the ground. (I don’t know if picking up heavy from a dead player in Crucible procs Overflow, so don’t quote me.) Don’t get me wrong, I have a plethora of other weapons to use, but some PVP weapons I used a ton in the past (Piece of Mind for example) are pretty much completely phased out after the new ammo system. I want to use overflow in my primary weapons again. I don’t know if other people think of the same thing or think I’m crazy, but I’m bummed that I can’t use Overflow in Crucible. From personal preference, it was probably one of my most favorite perks to use in the PVP sandbox before the ammo changes. I dunno if Bungie will even acknowledge or touch this post, but I just want to use Overflow in PVP again, in one way or another. 🙏

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