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5/30/2024 6:28:59 PM

Come And Join our Last Stand Against the Darkness!

We Invite You To Come Join The Brethren To Face Off Against the Witness in [b]THE FINAL SHAPE[/b] The time is T Minus 5 Days until we kick off our assault against what is to be a daring fight against the Witness and his baddies, The Energy is high, the Bounties have been stacked, The drifter has made a funny comment.... The Accuser of the Brethren is a fantastic Clan full of amazing opportunities that we want you to have, We have active Clans with members from across the globe, taking on new and exciting challenges together to get that sweet sweet loot and enjoy the game together. Here you will find: Active PvP and PvE LFG channels Experienced and knowledgeable Sherpas for all Raids and Dungeons Monthly Challenges and rewards Helpful tutorials and Destiny resources Players on all platforms (Xbox, PlayStation and PC) Members from all time zones Dedicated and friendly Moderation staff Other than Destiny channels to meet new people and grow our community If you Guardians are looking for a place to see out the final Destiny 2 DLC then look no further, we'd love to have you join us on Raids taught by our sherpas, fun activities or even just for a chinwag!. “The Light Lives In All Places... In All Things... You Can Block It... Even Try To Trap It... But The Light Always Finds Its Way." - The Speaker. And i have a splendid feeling we're going to be making the witness learn that the hard way... If you have questions or need any help with getting started in the server please don’t hesitate to DM TheDreamWitch#2723 on Discord. EYES UP GUARDIAN, don't get lost to the darkness. Come and find the Light....

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