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6/14/2024 1:47:02 PM

BUG: Ascension Aspect

The new arc/prismatic hunter aspect 'Ascension' does not count as a class ability usage when used. This means that consuming your class ability with this aspect does not synergise with any class ability related armor mods such as: Dynamo, Powerful Attraction, Bomber, Outreach ... etc. This could be intentional, however the strand hunter aspect 'Ensnaring Slam' also consumes class ability energy when used, but works with the mods mentioned above. Both aspects' descriptions state 'consume your class ability energy' so it would make sense if they were treated the same. This is unfortunate as the aspect is very fun although weaker than the majority of alternatives. The lack of mod synergy hurts it even more. (Sorry for also posting this in the feedback section as well, I was unsure where to submit bugs)

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