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6/15/2024 4:49:12 PM

Untracking Legacy Triumphs: Any Ideas on Fix Time?

I was just wondering if @Bungie or anyone else has any idea when a fix for being unable to untrack legacy triumphs might be finished. It's not a [b]HUGE[/b] deal, and I'm aware there are probably bigger issues too work on, as well, but it [i]is[/i] slightly annoying having three track spots taken up by triumphs I have no ability if completing lol. Anyway, thanks in advance for any info, and ty for all your hard work, Bungie! I'm a software engineer for a living, so ik how terrible post-launch issues can be, esp. with lots of users/players being impatient and demanding. I'm not blaming them. I've been there. But bug fixes are NOT that easy to execute, and a little Patience goes a long way. Finally, if someone has already asked this, at least within the past 2-3 days, I'm sorry. I did due diligence in searching but without any luck. Thx again and happy hunting @everyone! 🫡

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