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6/18/2024 5:31:38 PM

Echoes of the AOTB

Hello guardians! The Witness has been defeated, and we are onto the next chapter in Destiny 2! Come fight on Nessus with us and defeat the new and improved Vex and find out what’s happening over there! [u][b]Who We Are[/b][/u] The [i]Accusers of the Brethren[/i] pride themselves on helping others achieve what they want in game, and having a blast while doing it. We welcome guardians of all skill levels into our Discord community! [u][b]What We Offer[/b][/u] - Active LFG channels for PVE and PVP - Need help with a raid or dungeon? We have a great Sherpa program for both. - A number of rotating clans to join - Events and challenges throughout each month for you to show off skill or fashion and get cool new server roles - Dedicated channels to engage you with the rest of the community and meet new people. How Do I Join? 1. Simply follow this link and join our Discord Server -> 2. Once joined, acknowledge our Server rules and register by using Charlemagne to finish onboarding 3. A staff member or administrator will assist you shortly to ensure completion and give Server accessibility 4. That’s that,[i][b] you’re done![/b][/i] Have any more questions? Don’t hesitate to ask one of our staff in Discord! Come on and join [b]Accusers of the Brethren[/b], and get into the Heart of The Final Shape. Maybe meet some new friends along the way! [b][i]"Thank you for being the best friends a fella could ask for, the best fireteam I didn’t want, and… the best bet I ever lost.”[/i][/b]

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