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6/19/2024 10:06:57 PM

How to attain Blacksmith Shader in Destiny

I'm playing a bit of Destiny 1 for nostalgic reasons (I love The Taken King and Rise of Iron), and I was looking through different shaders available to players. There was one shader I never got- the Blacksmith shader. I did some looking online, and apparently it was a pre-order only for COD: Advanced Warfare. Is there any way to still attain one? I saw online that Bungie gave some away at E3 2015. Would purchasing Advanced Warfare on the PS store work? I love the look of it and would kill to have it for my D1 warlock.

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  • [quote]I'm playing a bit of Destiny 1 for nostalgic reasons (I love The Taken King and Rise of Iron), and I was looking through different shaders available to players. There was one shader I never got- the Blacksmith shader. I did some looking online, and apparently it was a pre-order only for COD: Advanced Warfare. Is there any way to still attain one? I saw online that Bungie gave some away at E3 2015. Would purchasing Advanced Warfare on the PS store work? I love the look of it and would kill to have it for my D1 warlock.[/quote] We have just set up a d1 clan and discord, if you'd like in on either or both?

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    Bądź w porządku dla innych. Poświęć chwilę na przejrzenie naszego Kodeksu Postępowania, zanim zamieścisz swój post. Anuluj Edytuj Stwórz drużynę ogniową Posty

  • Edytowany przez użytkownika Agent Vulpes: 6/21/2024 4:16:12 PM
    At first I was surprised that it was for Advanced Warfare and then I remembered Activision published D1. Unfortunately, while I own Advanced Warfare, it is an Xbox disk, and so my Xbox does not realize that I do legitimately own the game (I am able to play it though) and I cannot answer your question. The campaign for Advanced Warfare is pretty lit, though, so if you do buy it, you at least have that.

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