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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
7/2/2024 5:41:30 PM

An argument for a re-work of D.A.R.C.I.

Hey all I had this idea on my mind but with the arrival of still hunt in D2 I thought it would also be a good time to also have a re-work to D.A.R.C.I as a whole. Here is my idea. Intrinsict Trait rework is as follows- name: destruction imminent, kills with arc and jolt damage sources charge up this weapons and increases darci jolt damage. Trait rework name: elimination imminent when this weapon is fully charged, hold the reload to create a charge beam to jolt and damage targets. Catalyst rework: keep the stability but add- electrostic overload- picking up ionic traces increases the the charge rate of this weapon. Let me know what you guys think!!

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