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Edytowany przez użytkownika TalonRahl: 7/27/2024 6:55:59 AM

Waiting 1 month for Bungie Bounty Emblem.

Hello! My name is Talon Rahl. Bungie name TalonRahl#1699 I played in a Bungie Bounty on 6/27 at around 4ish pm. I played against NotMashed, Mercules904, Kubacki, Tiny Demon and HeavyMetalPoet during a Bungie Foundation stream where there was a Bungie Bounty. It was on cirrus plaza and it was a rift match that I won against them. I will attach a picture url of the crucible report. It has now been 1 month and I know others have received there emblems though I am still wondering what happened as I was told by many streamer friends its normally 2-3 weeks wait time. I don't mind waiting though at this point I wonder if I will receive it at all. I don't care if its the Light Lotus emblem or the Aurora Clash emblem or Vanquishers Standard. I just want my bungie bounty emblem =( Any help or exposure would be greatly appreciated. I already reached out to Cozmo and Bungie Help. Dankeschon, Talon

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