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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
8/1/2024 2:22:58 PM

Love this season

I just want to say how much I'm enjoying this season's content. The Battleground Echoes Expert is by far the best difficulty and it never gets old replaying it. The way it's all connected together makes it feel so good. I also want to praise Breach Executable for switching it up every time you play it. Also the expert matchmaking makes it easier to jump in and play. The mobs of enemies and challenging opponents is the reason I fell in love with Destiny. The use of old relics felt great. The rewards and drops this season are increased. The mode is incredible please release more missions like Breach Executable please. I'm fairly new to Destiny 2 having never played Destiny 1, but I feel like I haven't missed much. The story so far has me at the edge of my seat. I started playing back in the season of Arrivals and the content for this season is giving me the same feeling as then. I've pre-ordered every expansion since then and I have never loved Destiny 2 more than ever. Ps: Please put Breach Executable in the Vanguard playlist please.

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