The following changes target Smoke, Swarm, and Threaded Specter abilities on Hunters. These changes are both for PvE and PvP. As always when previewing patch notes this many weeks out, the following bullets are subject to change if any issues arise. Stay tuned for further updates!
Threaded Specter Aspect
- Increased cooldown duration of Marksman Dodge and Gambler's Dodge when Threaded Specter is equipped
- Removed dodge cooldown penalty after creating clone
- If the clone is destroyed by attacks, it no longer spawns Threadlings
- Increased the amount of time the clone will distract nearby combatants before exploding
Swarm Grenade
- Increased Swarm Grenade base cooldown duration by 15%
- Moved Swarm Grenade to a slower recharge tier for non-passive grenade-energy gains
Smoke Bomb melee
- Reduced the time the smoke bomb projectile lingers in the world from 10s to 3.5s
- Reduced the player movement-speed penalty imparted by the smoke by 25%
Additionally, we have a few more changes planned for Episode 2. While we wanted the following to ship alongside the above changes, they needed just a bit more time in the oven.
Threaded Specter
- Increasing detonation damage vs. combatants by 33%
Swarm Grenade
- Swarm Grenade submunitions will be easier to shoot
- Swarm Grenade submunitions will chain-detonate nearby submunitions
We'll continue to watch the conversation around sandbox balancing and plan changes accordingly. If you have any feedback concerning weapon tuning, exciting perks, subclass abilities, or other - please sound off on our forums or ping any of our social media accounts!
Edytowany przez użytkownika CookieNiki: 9/5/2024 8:50:04 PMWhy the nerfs in PvE? Why? I can't find any valid, logical, reason for the nerfs in PvE. Not. a. single. one.
PVE fun gutted again for PVP-only issues
Why the PVE nerfs? Nobody cares about PVP in this game.
I didn’t pay for a subclass to have it nuked into the fking ground you scumbags
I don’t think anyone has ever told this to you bungie, but your foresight sucks, since you were basically giving prismatic hunter a free debuff with weakening you didn’t think “maybe we should make a new void melee” but you went and got this to be a thing I was SHOCKED I mean SHOCKED when it turned out hunter with a very aggressive grenade and a strong debuff was as effective, okay sarcasm aside you should have been giving abilities to those that were limited in the first place, classes with only two supers instead of three and with one melee attack instead of two or three
So this is what you call fair!!!! WTF is wrong with you people!!!! Screw this!!
Edytowany przez użytkownika escape1226: 10/3/2024 12:01:28 AMYou should all be forced to play Hunter in comp after your horrible choices. This would imply you acutely play your game which you obviously don’t. Escape fking out!
Everything you guys do makes me not want to play.
Man I don't think you guys deserve all this hate. You made a game that I've been playing for over ten years enough said for me.
You don’t get to post here, you messed with Hunter dodge cooldown. Go post at Reddit or discord. You are no longer welcome here.
Let’s nerf knucklehead because it’s too good.. um yea it’s an exotic. That’s the whole point of it. You can only use one. Remember stompees? Yea go ahead and nerf them to the ground until nobody uses them. Now you gonna do the same to knucklehead? Lemme guess, next nerf you’ll nerf radiant dance machines because you can dodge too many times… stop making everything go backwards and just push everything else FORWARDS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. NOBODY LIKES NERFS. BUFF OTHER TRASH EXOTICS SO PEOPLE WILL ACTUALLY HAVE A GOOD REASON TO USE THEM IN THEIR BUILD. OTHERWISE IT WILL BE THE SAME EXOTICS BEING USED OVER AND OVER… Also giving a shoutout to warlocks. Sunbracer nerf and starfire .. all our old faves. No longer used because they nerfed them to the friggin ground.
slumlord noun slum·lord ˈsləm-ˌlȯrd Synonyms of slumlord : a landlord -blam!- unusually large profits from substandard, poorly maintained properties
I’m sounding off!!! Im pinging the hell out of you guys!! You turned my hunter into a useless weak piece of -blam!- compared to the heavy hitting constant abilities of the other classes. What in the hell did you do to grapple too. Not only does it do jack damage have an Insane cast time with full warning in coming but to top it off it breaks now if I stub my toe with a ridiculous short melee time. Who did this. I want to know who and why when things like lightning surge and Hammerstrike are in play with better cooldowns and massive damage. I mean how the hell do you make such horrible choices. I’m disgusted with the choices you keep making. It’s like you don’t even play your own game and just base choices of numbers alone. Have you even played to see the cheese coming from the other classes. Obviously NOT!! So tired of the bullshit Bungie. All you had to do was remove the bullshit swam nade every class has access too. But no you had to destroy an entire class. I numbers will continue to crash because you don’t play your game.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Baba-Looey: 9/27/2024 1:35:42 PMYou gave me a choice of which type of guardian, I could create & play. I choose a hunter. 10 yrs & 9600 hrs. Mostly solo, always casual, paid my way and never complained. Don't care I don't have everything. But if you think, gelding my character will encourage me to create a titan or warlock so I will play more, you are mistaken and misinformed. We're the ones that play your events over and over and over again. You just don't get it!!!!
You guys really suck now, you know that right?
Trash idea. Why not just buff everything else that warlocks are using. Titans are getting taunts? Give all warlocks an elemental buddy tied to a certain melee Give titans a nade that provides a free overshield and invincibility to smoke/disorienting abilities from ALL ENEMIES AND WEAPONS?! Why constantly ruin the fun?? First nerf strand hunter now prismatic.. yet warlocks have 3 charged strand melee abilities. 4 different ways to freeze enemies. Nerf stompees, nerf hunter, nerf nerf hunter again.. You titan mains are pathetic.
GO -blam!- YOURSELF ....YOU WOKE -blam!- TRASH -blam!- COMPANY
Thousands of Iron Banner matches and no drop of Iron Countershade shader… No more Destiny…I quit
Unbelievable, that's all you do now.. nerf, nerf, nerf....
Edytowany przez użytkownika Chef Gengar: 9/23/2024 11:51:55 PMIdk why it takes so long to nerf hunters, first shatter dive now prismatic..
Bungie the only constant thing you do well is disappoint me.
Content was the answer. More content at a steady unexpected continuous pace.. Drops nobody seen coming.. Grinding light level and upgrading gear every 4 months is not content. How do you have all of that " DATA " yet somehow are still so IGNORANT to what we the CONSUMERS want? It's actually impressive how often you shoot your own feet and even more impressive you somehow still have feet to shoot. Just WOW.. How many 2nd chances should be given?
Smoke should've been buffed, not nerfed. If a titan can 1 hit kill with its melee, hunters should be able to as well.
Please a drop of Iron Countershade shader in Iron Banner … JC-JEFF 2231
If you have a positive KD in comp you shouldn’t take a loss in comp points period.