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Aplikacja Companion

Co wymaga poprawy w aplikacji Companion?
8/26/2024 3:03:27 PM

Android companion app stuck in account confirmation page

As I said in the title, my companion app suddenly stopped working after I downloaded it on my new phone, it has been almost a month now. Everytime I try to access with my PSN account it goes on until the "confirm that's you" page. Once I press "allow", confirming that's my profile the page remains stuck and doesn't let me log into the app, while on the website works. Yes, I can use the website to search Fireteams and stuff, but I don't have access to all the other tools such as picking up bounties, please help me.

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  • Had a similar kind of issue on my Android tablet a few weeks ago. I was able to log in to my xBox account but when asked to permit sign-on to Bungie the app just quickly gave the message "Object has moved" and brought me back to the sign-in page. Looked at the forums and help sites but it didn't seem anyone else was having this issue? Tried re-booting, re-installing and clearing cache several time over the last few weeks but nothing seemed to work. Finally this morning decided to look at the app settings and noticed the the maximum cache allowed by default was set to 100MB, bumped it up to 300MB and was able to sign-in!?! Maybe this could help you as well.

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