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Destiny 2

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Edytowany przez użytkownika Synge_X: 9/10/2024 11:35:09 AM

A New Vision for the Crucible

I have an idea for the crucible that I believe would serve It’s most dedicated players, as well as players of all types. What if the crucible was broken up into two primary ways of playing, with respective modes that adhere to different rule sets? In short, the two modes could be broken up between the following: Crucible Gauntlet: weapon/balanced based & Crucible Fury: Ability/chaos/space magic based Details on each below… Crucible: Gauntlet The crucible gauntlet is a weapon-based mode, focused on balance, and gunplay versus abilities. Rather than having to track the differences in weapons across different game modes, that is currently happening between PVP and PVE, the game could be balanced by adding resistances to certain weapon damage and abilities into an armor set that could be earned each season. Instead of changing the entire code of the game, the balance could be potentially baked into the armor that you have for the crucible gauntlet that season. The positive and negative stat variables applied to the armor across all classes could be leveraged to curb ability up time and weapon resistances. Special will be limited in number and reserves. Special ammo could spawn on each team’s side of the map, once per round, eventually spawning in one central place on the map(not dropping on player death). Additionally, Shaxx would also have a full vender refresh with weapons of all archetypes, each best in class for the Crucible Gauntlet, as well as being great for PVP across the board. Having a full set of Crucible Gauntlet armor and weapons would be required and equipped before being able to cue into any playlist(inside of Crucible Gauntlet), creating a uniform, balanced experience that would change dynamically each season with the arrival of new armor and weapons. Crucible Gauntlet contains the following playlists: Gauntlet Control Gauntlet objective(rotating modes) Gauntlet competitive Gauntlet Trials(pending feedback). Key Benefits for Development: 1. Efficient way to non-destructively change balance without effecting PVE & other PVP modes of play. 2. Tying the modifiers for cooldowns and resistances to armor allows Bungie to be more responsive with changes. 3. Gauntlet could act as a testing ground for lasting PVP changes to standard crucible(fury). 4. Limited weapon pool via vendor refresh will make balance more achievable. 5. A consistent environment concerning weapon balance could inform how weapons are created and balanced across the board. Key benefits for players: 1. Gauntlet provides an experience uniquely distinct from standard modes with a focus on primary gunplay, as opposed to ability spam. 2. Finally a truly balanced, primary focused FPS experience inside of Destiny. 3. Seasonal vendor refreshes, while being limited, will keep seasons fresh in terms of weapon diversity throughout the year. Crucible: Fury Crucible fury will lean into the space magic and variety of Destiny, with a focus on build crafting and a healthy split between primary, special, and ability/class based gameplay. Think of crucible fury, as being the traditional Destiny 2 PVP experience, only unshackled by the focus on balance that would now exist in crucible: gauntlet. As before, players in Crucible: Fury would not be limited to seasonal armor and weapons as in Crucible: Gauntlet. Variety and build crafting would be encouraged and rewarded, along with the reward associated with finding that powerful load out in content throughout the game. Use what you want, play how you want regardless of how balanced. Key benefits for development: 1. By targeting the Crucible: Gauntlet armor as a means for balance in that mode, Bungie can relax the need to create 1 to 1 balance in this mode. 2. Only tackling extreme outliers in terms of nerfs and buffs in Crucible: Fury would prevent Bungie from having to deal with the ramifications of squaring PVP changes with PVE(or at least to a significant degree). 3. Unshackling PVP in Crucible: Fury would also allow Bungie to go crazy with more creative weapons across all types. Key benefits for players: 1. More play making capability as a result of a focus on build viability, and special a plenty in Crucible: Fury. 2. Crucible: Fury will give players an actual sandbox with opportunity for the kind of creative player expression that is signature to Destiny. 3. Since balance will be tightly confined to Crucible: Gauntlet(and its subsequent armor sets and weapons), players will less frequently deal with the up and down balance negatively impacting PVE). Crucible: Fury contains the following game modes: Standard control Standard objective Mayhem Elimination I’m not sure exactly how Trials fits into this scenario but I’d be interested in everyone’s feedback and thoughts. Help me refine this idea and thanks for reading!

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