Not cool. Seperate ur Sandboxes.. For real, we allow this n every prismatic nerf, nerfs every non offending sub class linked to that prismatic nerf.
There's no return after the smoke nerf
Behemoth main player less than 1K playing the game. How do you think we felt with that awful stasis rework. They broke cryoclasm. It has since been improved but not as good as it was. We cant make stasis shards anymore and the frost armor is worse than the OS we used to get. The exotics which pair with Behemoth don’t even have the new code for how stasis works making them even worse. Honestly you got lucky with just a reduction in smoke bomb effect time.
The nerfs were unnecessary from the start imo. But the fact that prismatic isnt separate from base class abilities makes them unacceptable. This really shouldnt be an issue. Itll make balancing things (an already extremely difficult task) impossible.
[quote]Not cool. Seperate ur Sandboxes.. For real, we allow this n every prismatic nerf, nerfs every non offending sub class linked to that prismatic nerf.[/quote] Every class has its cheese moves. No nerfs needed.
Even ignoring that, it’s a stupid change that does nothing to address the actual problem with the melee. Now instead of setting traps and radar baiting on night stalker the only thing they are good for is wombo spam on prismatic
Still think abilities should be buffed in the name of power fantasy
This is the one thing I can agree with. Prismatic anything should be nerfed if nerfed just in prismatic so you still have a reason to use the original classes.
yea suprised they didnt cook in an un nerfed version into void hunters aspects or fragments. they should.
Charged melee?
Womp womp
Prismatic should never have been made the way it was. It shoul've had all new abilities that would eventually make way to the normal subclasses. Now nerfing Prismatic nerfs the other solubclasses. Genius move. Oh, and as for the Storm's Edge, I'll say it again AS A HUNTER, that super is basically 3 Thundercrashes. Thundercrash is still pretty broken. Now think about what that makes Storm's Edge for a minute. WHY THE HELL WAS IT ADDED!? They knew it was broken in PVP before adding it, too. They even said it was. 🤦