Expand Upon Older Craftable Weapons and Improve Weaker Weapon Frames
Though these are two separate issues, I feel that they tie together well, as both feel very unseen, as if these kinds of weapons have been abandoned completely.
Older craftable weapons and weaker weapon frames just sit stagnant as more and more [Craftable] weapons release, and newer and more versatile weapon archetypes/frames are created. There is little competition here.
Take Firefight for example, a 450 RPM Auto that was released about 2 years ago: along with the frame being weak, it of course also features an antiquated and comparatively unviable perk pool.
Perks like Well Rounded, Hip Fire, and Air Assault are present in the first perk column, and Adagio, Mulligan, and Focused Fury in the second, in a sandbox where Autos are able to roll with Subsistence, Keep Away, and Rewind Rounds, and Kinetic Tremors, Target Lock, Onslaught, and any number of crowd clearing perks in those same columns.
How to address these?
For old Craftable weapons, add 3-4 new relevant perks to their pools.
In the above example, perks like Kinetic Tremors, Zen Moment, and Deconstruct could be added to the first perk column, and perks such as Target Lock, Rewind Rounds, and Cascade Point could be placed in the second column.
Weaker frames need individual tuning based on their strengths compared to other weapons in their class (ammo type) and weapon type.
For example, 360 RPM Auto Rifles deal about 75% more damage per shot than 720s, but they also fire at half their speed. This means that 720s can shoot twice as many shots in the same time period, and more than make up for the damage lost.
To push 360s into the role of "high damage, less forgiveness" here, they need a flat damage buff to start (15 - 20%, possibly higher), and maybe some other tweaks, like a stat buff or recoil reduction as a secondary benefit.
This is just an example, but can be applied to other frames and archetypes.
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