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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
9/19/2024 11:32:18 AM

"Wrath of the Machine" Custom Emblems for Destiny 2

Heya Destiny Community, I'm a graphic designer and digital artist currently looking for opportunities in the field. As you know I've designed a couple of Destiny 2 custom emblems for a potential return of "Wrath of the Machine" which I posted in the creations forum some time ago. I'd like to share this publicly once again because I'm really happy with how the emblems turned out and would like to get an opportunity to design some emblems for Destiny 2. I'd appreciate it lots if you could check out my Instagram post on it and share it with your friends (or like/share if you enjoy my work), so I can get some visibility for my work! You can also find this project on artstation: Thank you so much and have a wonderful day!

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