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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Stuka: 9/18/2024 12:42:41 PM

Console players are bad for my minmaxxing (pls let PC players disable crossplay)

I understand that it might take a bit longer to queue, but I’d honestly prefer waiting an extra minute over spending more time in a strike where some players, namely console players, aren’t focused on the objective or using heavy for DPS. I could probably show stats to prove that these runs are objectively slower, and while it's fine that not everyone plays at the same level, there are factors like field of view and older consoles that make a noticeable difference. Sometimes, I see players on older-gen consoles taking extra time at spawn and missing key objectives, due to their narrower FOV. I do not want to play with console players, not even for PvE. I'm sorry. No disrespect intended. I understand that not all console players are the same, and there are definitely some that play on par with, or way beyond PC players. But generally speaking, I find console players are often slower compared to PC players. As someone who’s trying to minimize the time spent grinding (playlist activities that progress 8% per run for a title, thanks Bungie), I’d rather avoid adding an extra 30% to the grind time. Also don't take it personally, this is just a preference. I don't always grind hard, actually I barely play the game nowadays but it's still annoying that they spend 5 minutes in a strike afk, then soft lock the strike because they get afk kicked before they get pulled and the ads stop spawning. As the other random PC player said in that strike: "bro fr just left"

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